Challenges of promoting healthy food education and the culture of cookie consumption in childhood
Healthy Diet, Feeding Behavior, Food Industry, Nutrition Policy, CookiesAbstract
Objective: To describe the nutritional information contained in cookies sold in Brazil. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional research, with data collection. Results: 155 biscuit brands were evaluated, and a median of 132cal, 2g of saturated fat and 83mg of sodium per serving was found, whose average and median is around 30g. The study indicated that the weight of the products varies from 12-400g. In 92.2% of the labels there was 0% trans fat and in 7.8% this value ranged from 1-2.3g per serving. 10 types of dyes have been described. Conclusion: The cookies produced in Brazil have excess calories, fats, including trans fats, sodium and only qualitative information on the presence of micronutrients, suggesting a marketing action by the food industry.
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