The role of the federal government in internalizing the 2030 Agenda - Brazil and the Czech Republic
2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, Global Development, United NationsAbstract
Introduction: The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations for Sustainable Development relies on the efforts of member countries to implement and execute its goals and guidelines. Brazil and the Czech Republic are two countries that have made efforts to internalize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their domestic practices. Each country has adopted distinct methodologies and techniques in this endeavor.
Objectives: This article analyzes the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil and the Czech Republic, highlighting similarities and differences. It aims to demonstrate the fundamental importance of the federal sphere in internalizing the 2030 Agenda.
Method: This is a documentary, descriptive, and exploratory study of the policies adopted by the two countries under analysis.
Results: Both countries have established federal government bodies and developed national plans to align the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with local priorities. In Brazil, the National Commission for the SDGs (CNODS) led the process, while in the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Environment coordinated the actions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Arpini CG, Oliveira AA, Cruz CAM, Messetti PAS

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