Mental health, gender and COVID-19: challenges for Brazilian women in the pandemic
Covid-19, Gênder, Mental HealthAbstract
Objective: To analyze Brazilian publications on gender, mental health, and the pandemic in the first two years of COVID-19.
Method: A scoping review was conducted in the PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, and Pepsic databases. The descriptors “Pandemic” or “COVID-19” and “Gender” and “mental health” or “psychosocial care” were used. Of the 392 studies found, 34 met the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: The pandemic has significantly impacted the dynamics of Brazilian families, exacerbating gender inequalities and increasing psychological distress, especially in women and vulnerable populations. The studies analyzed highlighted difficulties in accessing psychosocial care and reinforced the importance of public policies that consider gender specificities . The changes brought about by the health crisis have highlighted the need to rethink practices and policies to promote a fairer and more humane response to mental health.
Conclusion: The results reinforce the need for public policies aligned with breaking with patriarchal and asylum logic, promoting gender equity and inclusive psychosocial care. These measures are crucial to face the challenges imposed by the pandemic and reduce structural inequalities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Silva KCF, Galina MSS, Fioreze JC, Marconcini CNJ, Ribeiro WV, Silva AP

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