COVID-19 biopsychosocial aspects by the medicine student community
Coronavirus, Social Isolation, Communication, Medical Education, Information SciencesAbstract
Objective: To analyze the perception of medical students about the impact of the pandemic caused by coronavirus on their daily lives. Method: quantitative, descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study, using an electronic questionnaire on the biopsychosocial aspects of medical students during the pandemic period. Result: Of 211 investigated, 66.8% were female, aged between 17 and 25 years and 45% lived in Vitória, ES, Brazil. Electronic resources such as cell phones and individual computers were used by 47.4% of students. They had family members with pre-existing diseases (86.3%0, hypertensive (28.2%) and diabetics (18.2%), being considered elderly (53.1%) and 54.2% of family members had already been affected by COVID -19. Regarding school performance, 38.4% are more or less satisfied. Regarding practical activities, 43% say they are very dissatisfied. In terms of psychological dimension, 29.2% are more or less satisfied with their home productivity and 30 .7% emotionally prepared to carry out online activities daily. Religious practice as a positive support was reported by 52.4% of students and the most chosen words among them were: love, gratitude and responsibility. Conclusion: The female presence in courses in the health area is increasingly consolidated. The most frequent diseases in families are the most prevalent in Brazil, such as hypertension and diabetes. Even the majority of students living with their parents and in satisfactory socioeconomic conditions, it is clear that online learning is being considered regular, especially in terms of practical activities.
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