Agricultural transformations and their effects on the health and social structures of rural communities


  • João Carlos Furlani Pesquisador, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História (PPGHis), Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes).
  • Monica Cattafesta Escola Superior de Ciências da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória (EMESCAM)



Rural areas, Health of the rural population, Agriculture, Agricultural modernization, Social factors


Objective: To investigate the impact of changes in agricultural techniques on the social structures of rural communities, addressing how these changes have affected the health status of individuals in these areas.

Method: The study uses a qualitative approach, anchored in a literature review using the descriptors “Contemporary agricultural practices”, “Social dynamics in rural areas”, “Health conditions in rural populations” and “Impact of changes in agricultural techniques”. The bibliographic research involved a survey of both printed and electronic media, covering books, scientific articles, dissertations, theses and government documents.

Results: It was observed that modern agricultural transformations have resulted in intensive production and increased use of chemical inputs, as well as in the mechanization of agricultural practices. Although they have increased productivity and efficiency, these transformations have impacted the health of rural workers, with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases due to various agents and more urbanized lifestyles. Rural communities also face socioeconomic challenges, such as rural exodus and the marginalization of small farmers due to the increasing concentration of land by large-scale companies.

Conclusion: Modern agricultural transformations have implied significant risks for rural populations, such as occupational problems and chronic diseases. The deconstruction of the “agrarian myth” becomes necessary, as well as public policies that promote social equity, health and sustainability of rural communities.


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How to Cite

Carlos Furlani J, Cattafesta M. Agricultural transformations and their effects on the health and social structures of rural communities. Clin Biopsy [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];2(2):124-35. Available from:



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