Epidemiology of Environmental, Behavioral, and Metabolic Risk Factors for Stroke: Temporal Analysis in the Brazilian Population
Stroke, Epidemiology, Risk factors, Time trendAbstract
Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of mortality and incidence attributed to environmental, behavioral, and metabolic risk factors for stroke in the Brazilian population between 1998 and 2017.
Method: Ecological study using secondary data on the evolution of incidence and mortality related to the risk factors identified in the ICD-10, both available on the GBD (Global Burden Disease) platform.
Results: In the period analyzed, there was a reduction of 1.46% in smoking-related stroke mortality per year (p=0.016), with a decrease of 2.18% in women (p=0.006). The metabolic risk increased by 1.41% (p=0.029), and by 3.33% among men (p=0.001). Pollution decreased by 1.53% for both sexes (p=0.013), with a decrease of 2.06% for women (p=0.017). Stroke mortality also fell by 6.8% for men (p<0.001) and 6.0% for women (p<0.001). Analyzing the Brazilian states, there was a reduction in smoking (5.55%; p=0.022) in the Pará region. Regarding pollution, reductions were noted for the state of Piauí (6.76%; p=0.042), Ceará (6.57%; p= 0.001) and Paraná (4.86%; p=0.027).
Conclusion: Between 1998 and 2017, Brazil showed a significant reduction in stroke incidence and mortality, with more pronounced falls in women. Smoking-associated mortality decreased, especially among women, while metabolic risk increased among men. Mortality from pollution was significantly reduced, especially the falls in Pará, Piauí, Ceará and Paraná.
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