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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All article elements are contained in a single file in editable text format.
  • The files in English and Portuguese are included together with the refereed translator's statement. If not entered, we will pay the fee later with the editorial team.
  • Conflict of interest and copyright forms have been attached

Author Guidelines

1. About the journal

The Clinics Biopsychosocial Journal, available at, from July 2023, is published quarterly, and publishes original articles, review articles, editorials and comments, covering the area of Applied Social Sciences and of Health. Through the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, CBPS aims to encourage the study, the improvement and updating of professionals, with an interdisciplinary focus, contributing to the dialogue between research and society and, also, to the maintenance of flow of scientific communication from EMESCAM and other national and international Higher Education and Research Institutions.


  • All published articles are free and public access;
  • All submitted articles are analyzed in the anti-plagiarism system;
  • All articles must be published in Portuguese and English.

2. Types of articles published:

  • Original articles;
  • Literature reviews;
  • Editorials;
  • Publication comments.

3. Study categories

  • Original articles

Original studies are understood as articles arising from quantitative and/or qualitative research, regardless of the type of study.

  • Review Articles

Narrative, integrative, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and scoping reviews.

  • Editorials

Editorials are written by doctors who are experts in their fields and are not sent for peer review, being published at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.


  • Post comments

Comments on any article published in the journal are welcome, however, they will only be published at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.


4. The studies below must follow the specific guidelines of each one:

  • Clinical trials – CONSORT Statement;
  • Observational studies (cohort, case-control and cross-sectional) – STROBE Statement;
  • Qualitative studies – COREQ Guidelines;
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses – PRISMA guidelines;
  • Diagnostic and prognostic studies – STARD Guidelines;
  • Clinical and animal studies – ARRIVE Guidelines.

Note: upon submission, each author must attach a document proving the use of each guideline mentioned here.


5. General rules for publication

All manuscripts must follow the rules below:

Original title: Up to 300 characters;

Short title: Up to 60 characters;

Original article: must have a maximum of 6,000 words (excluding title page and references), with a limit of 50 references and up to 10 tables and figures;

Review articles: must have a maximum of 8,000 words (excluding title page and references), with a limit of 60 references and up to 10 tables and figures;

Editorials: must have a maximum of 3,000 words;

Publication comments: must have a maximum of 2,000 words.

The entire submission must be made in just one file which must contain: (1) cover page; (2) summary and abstract; (3) introduction with objective inserted at the end of the section; (4) method; (5) results; (6) discussion; (7) conclusion; (8) acknowledgments, financing, conflicts of interest and contributions of the authors; (9) references;

Tables and figures must be included immediately after being cited in the text;

The single file must be sent in an editable document of the .doc or .docx type, with the top and left margins measuring 3cm and the bottom and right margins measuring 2cm. All files must be sent in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing and tables and figures must have the same font, but in size 10 and single spacing.

Cover page: Must contain the title of the original research and short title, full names of the authors in the correct order of authorship, followed by their ORCID and affiliation (position, department, university/institution); corresponding author, specifying full name, affiliation, ORCID, email and contact telephone number;

Summary/abstract: the summary must be limited to 250 words, be in Portuguese and English and must be structured, containing: OBJECTIVE, METHOD, RESULTS and conclusion;

Keywords:  3 to 6 descriptors based on the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DECS)/Medical Subject Headings (MeSh), separated by periods;

  • Introduction: The introduction should define the purpose of the study, provide a brief summary (not a review) of relevant previous studies, and indicate new advances in current research. The introduction should not include data or conclusions from the work being reported. It must contain the justification, relevance, problem, hypothesis and objective in the last paragraph;
  • Method: This section must provide clear and sufficient information to allow the study to be feasible in other centers. It must only have references to standardized items, such as collection instruments, concepts or databases.
  • Ethical and legal aspects: If the research was carried out with human beings and animals, indicate in the method section whether the procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible ethics committee (institutional or regional) and with the Declaration of Helsinki, and must contain the opinion number of the ethics committee that analyzed and approved the research. In research with animals, indicate whether the institution's guide, the national research council or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed, and must contain the opinion number of the ethics committee that analyzed and approved the research. This item must be inserted in the method section.
  • Results: The results section must be objective, clear and concise with the results found in the research, without interpretations or judgments and must not have bibliographical references, and must briefly describe what is in each table/figure, highlighting only the data most relevant to the research objective.
  • Discussion: The discussion should include the meaning of the new information and the relevance of the new findings in light of existing knowledge. Only unavoidable citations should be included.
  • Conclusion: Briefly describe what was concluded in the research, in response to the main objective only.
  • Acknowledgments: This section must be short, objective, clear and only directed to the appropriate acknowledgments. If there are no acknowledgments, fill in the field with “N/A”.
  • List of references: References must follow the NLM’s International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) summary standards available at the link:;
  • References in the text: Cite the references in the text in Arabic numerals in the order of citation, in parentheses, (1) after the phrase/word that ends the thought, keeping a space between the word and the identification: “Palliative care is an approach multidisciplinary (1)”. In cases of more than one reference for the citation, separate with a comma: “Health is a right for everyone (2,3)”. When there are more than two references and these are followed, separate the numbering of the citations in order by hyphen: “SAH and diabetes are common diseases (5-10)”. The last name of the authors may appear in the text in a single exception, such as: “Snow (11) changed epidemiology in the world...”, Two authors: “Chagas and Cruz (12) were important Brazilian researchers...”, or Three or more authors: “Ramos et al. (13) observed that...”
  • Tables and Figures: must be inserted immediately when cited in the text and must not exceed the limit of 10 items;
  • Tables: should be constructed using the table feature in your word processor or using a spreadsheet program such as Excel. Tables must be numbered in order of appearance in the text, in Arabic numerals. Each table must have a title and an explanatory caption, if necessary. All tables must be referenced and succinctly described in the text. Under no circumstances should a table repeat the data presented in an illustration. Statistical measures of variation (i.e., standard deviation or standard error) must be identified, and decimal places in tabular data must be restricted to those with mathematical and statistical significance. They must be formatted in size 10 and single spaced.
  • Figures: Photographs, illustrations, graphs, drawings, line graphs, etc. are all defined as figures. Number the figures consecutively using Arabic numerals in order of appearance. The figure caption must be descriptive and allow examination of the figure without reference to the text. Images must be professional quality and submitted as high quality *.tiff or .jpeg and .png files. Reinforcements that edits can be requested to improve the image.


  1. Mandatory forms to be filled out and attached to the submission:


  1. Submission

The submission must MANDATORY be made through our submission system – OJS, available on our website and all negotiations will be carried out solely and exclusively through this channel.

7. Translation

All articles published in our journal are necessarily available in English and Portuguese. If the author has already carried out the translation, it is mandatory to attach a statement signed by an arbitrated translator to the files in English and Portuguese. If the authors wish to translate later, a fee of R$500.00 (USD $100,00) will be charged to carry out the services with our own team. Authors must express the action at the time of submission.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

This periodical respects the guidelines of the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD-nº 13,709/2018) to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free formation of the personality of each individual, thus, the names and Addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.