About the Journal

The Clinics Biopsychosocial is a periodical linked to the Postgraduate Program in Public Policies and Local Development at Emescam, published every six months, and publishes original articles, review articles, editorials, case studies and comments, covering the area of Social Sciences Applied and Health.
We firmly believe in the importance of informed and critical discussion about fundamental issues that affect the health and well-being of communities. Our mission is to foster meaningful dialogues that integrate biomedical, psychosocial, and political perspectives to promote a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary healthcare challenges.
By highlighting the social determinants of health and their influence on public policy, we seek to catalyze tangible changes that address disparities and promote health equity. We recognize that factors such as access to health services, socioeconomic conditions, physical and cultural environment play crucial roles in determining the health of individuals and communities. Therefore, our publications aim to inform and inspire political and social actions that seek effective and inclusive solutions.
Furthermore, at Clinics Biopsychosocial, we are committed to popularizing science, making knowledge accessible and relevant to a wide audience. We believe that disseminating scientific information in a clear and engaging way is essential to empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being and to promoting a culture of research and innovation.
Clinics Biopsychosocial journal is a space for collaboration, learning and positive impact. We look forward to sharing knowledge and ideas that inspire meaningful change in our world by democratizing access to scientific knowledge.

Focus and scope

Through the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, CBPS aims to encourage the study, improvement and updating of professionals, with an interdisciplinary focus, contributing to the dialogue between research and society, and also to maintaining the flow of scientific communication at EMESCAM and other National and International Higher Education and Research Institutions.

• All published articles are open and public;
• All submitted articles are analyzed in the anti-plagiarism system PLAGIUS;
• All articles must be published in Portuguese and English.

Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

No subscription, submission, evaluation, editing or publishing fees are charged.

Peer Review

Clinics Biopsychosocial operates using an open peer review system where the names of reviewers are included in review reports.

Publication and review process

The publication of articles by CBPS depends primarily on their scientific validity and coherence, as judged by our external expert editors and/or reviewers, who will also assess whether the writing is understandable and whether the work represents a useful contribution. to the field.

Authors will be able to check the progress of their manuscripts through the submission system at any time by accessing CBPS (https://clinicsbiopsychosocial.com/index.php/cbps/about/submissions)



The journal Clinics Biopsychosocial received financial support through Edital FAPES 019/2023 editorial support and Publication of Scientific Journals